Rejection of Unauthorized Email Address Collection

Article 50-2 (Prohibition on Act of Collecting E-Mail Addresses Without Permission, etc.) (1) No person shall collect e-mail addresses from the Internet websites on which the intention of rejecting the collection of e-mail addresses is explicitly indicated, by means of programs and other technical devices that make it possible to collect e-mail addresses automatically. (2) No person shall sell or distribute e-mail addresses that are collected in violation of paragraph(1). (3) No person shall use the e-mail addresses for transmitting information with the knowledge that the prohibition is laid on the collection, sale and distribution of such e-mail addresses under paragraphs (1) and (2). Article 74 (Penalty Provisions) (1) Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for up to one year or by a fine not exceeding 10 million won. 5. Any person who collects, sells, distributes, or uses an e-mail address to transmit information in violation of Article 50-2.