

  • 95, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si
  • 1522-7686

[Key Technology]

Register your credit card or bank account in advance to use NAVER Pay’s simple payment service.
NAVER Pay’s simple payment is also provided for offline environment using QR and MST technology.
In addition, NAVER Pay is expanding its financial platform business that allows you to easily compare and select various financial products.

[Company Profile]

[Technology that expands finance, Naver Pay]
NAVER Pay is a fintech company established on November 1, 2019.
NAVER Pay is providing daily finance platform service such as simple payment, MyData, BNPL, and financial product comparison.
NAVER Pay’s challenge and effort to provide innovative services continues so that everyone can experience better finacial services.

[Key Products]

NAVER Pay introduces its new financial service, the 'NAVER Pay Real Estate VR Tour Service'.
This service combines NAVER Pay's powerful real estate services with NAVER LABS' digital twin technology, and presents an experiential exhibition that realizes the real estate VR tour service through VR devices and digital signage in a multisensory way.
You can directly experience NAVER Pay's technological innovation through 'VR Tour', which allows you to explore the exterior and the interior of the apartment in a realistic way.

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