

  • 122, Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • 15226911
  • aiden@earlypay.co.kr

[Key Technology]

1. Interworking VAN Data
EarlyPay fully works with 13 VAN companies through its own crawling technology to collect sales and approval data, including holidays (non-business days), and cross-checks VAN data with Credit Finance Association data to ensure data reliability.
2. Automated settlement system
Automating the settlement system to provide next day settlement services regardless of 365 weekends and holidays
3. FDS System
Discriminate false sales through our own Rule-based Fraud Detection System (FDS)

[Company Profile]

Next-day payment service 'EarlyPay'
EarlyPay provides small business owners with a solution that makes the sales payment period just a day. If you run a store, you have so much money to spend every day, but card sales and delivery sales don't come in until 2 to 14 days. In addition, since the fee and deposit cycle are different for each payment method, we cannot know exactly whether the sales price has been deposited or omitted. To address the hardships of small business owners, EarlyPay has come up with a fintech-based management support solution that allows them to receive all sales generated in stores the next day. This gives small business owners the opportunity to develop better services or products by significantly improving cash flow and easing the funding crunch.Early Pay is the first company in the industry to provide next day settlement service from three major delivery platform sales(baemin, yogiyo, coupang eats) to Card sales and has settle up over 240 billion won to about

[Key Products]

Through the next-day settlement service, Early Pay helps small business owners to operate their businesses stably by improving their cash flow. Furthermore, by providing new financial services based on alternative credit ratings, we intend to contribute to the growth of small business owners marginalized from existing finance.

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