
Paymint Inc.

  • 26, Sangwon 1-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea
  • 05059807000
  • master@paymint.co.kr

[Key Technology]

Paymint's key technology consists of providing guaranteed safe transactions by using transactionlinked disposable credit card numbers (TXD-OTC) for PG-less mobile payments.

[Company Profile]

Paymint Inc. is a fintech company that provides services and consulting in the payment field. Paymint developed the core design of simple payment systems for major domestic companies. Ever since being selected as an innovative financial service provider by the Financial Services Commission in 2019, Paymint has been providing the innovative mobile billing and payment service ‘Payssam'.

[Key Products]

Paymint’s key product ‘Payssam’ is a new type of mobile billing and payment (R2P, Request to Pay) service that innovates the payment infrastructure of on/offline stores. Payssam is a messenger-based mobile billing and payment service that helps stores, allowing merchants to receive mobile card payments directly without going through PG.

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