

  • 83 Uisadangdae-ro, Yongdungpo-gu, Seoul
  • +82-70-8080-0233
  • sales@wrks.ai

[Key Technology]

WrksAI offers an AI assistant for office tasks, featuring custom AI chatbots, automated financial document drafting, and a high-performance document translation solution that maintains original format

[Company Profile]

Launched in March 2023, WrksAI is Korea's first AI assistant for office tasks, with 200,000 active users. Used by top conglomerates, it offers custom GPT chatbots and automated financial document tools. At this exhibition, we showcase a high-performance document translation solution that maintains formats, surpassing DeepL and Google. WorksAI enhances efficiency and innovates financial workflows.

[Key Products]

WrksAI offers AI solutions for office tasks, including custom GPT chatbots, financial document automation, and high-performance translation. Our GPT chatbots learn from internal data, while our tools automate compliance and investment reports. At this exhibition, we showcase a translation solution that maintains formatting and outperforms DeepL and Google, enhancing financial task efficiency.

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