

  • 9, Seolleung-ro 131-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • 1644-1017
  • help@payup.co.kr

[Key Technology]

Patent Technology: Building a payment image-based electronic payment authentication server matched with an electronic call number
Development of electronic payment systems, electronic payment methods, and electronic payment applications
Technology Development of NFC-based Mobile Coupon Open Market Service Method
Product order and payment integration method using product order and payment integration system
Product information provision device and management method based on chatbot
A management device and a management method provided with a menu providing unit
Blockchain-based transaction verification system and its method
3 types of pay-up trademarks (35 types / 42)

Other Technologies: Development of Mobile Payment Platform Technology linked to blockchain-based Social Network Service
Development of customer management system and unmanned order simple payment service using AI-based image recognition
Chatbot service for customer-tailored product recommendation and work effici

[Company Profile]

Payup is an O2O company that provides integrated online and offline payment services and is leading the electronic payment industry.
Based on proven technology, we provide customized electronic payment services with unique patents of Payup Inc., and we are constantly working to build a convenient and safe payment environment in preparation for the changing market environment.
It is an online PG company that strives to be the best partner for business success and strives to provide the best value creation based on your trust.
Based on the safety of blockchain-based payment, representative technology services are handwritten/text payment/talk payment/URL link payment/regular payment/API linked payment/simple payment/overseas payment.
In addition, Insio provides a shopping mall platform for free, so it can increase sales by reducing the burden on business owners.

[Key Products]
