

  • 78, Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • 010-8803-4351
  • shinkyongah@gmail.com

[Key Technology]

A service that encourages voluntary eco-friendly consumption by linking benefits to consumers. It offers integrated incentives from both public and private sectors for eco-friendly practices, such as using reusable cups.

[Company Profile]

"As individuals, it may be difficult to change the world, but as consumers, we can change the market economy." ECOMCOW aims to provide an innovative solution that expands the eco-friendly consumption incentive system, ensuring that individual efforts are not wasted. Furthermore, EcoCow's goal is to transform eco-friendly consumption records into tradable values, such as carbon credits.

[Key Products]

"EcoMap Mobile Service

- Creating a system that rewards environmentally conscious consumer behavior

This service displays stores that offer incentives for eco-friendly consumption on the EcoMap. It connects consumers to these locations and allows them to earn points for the incentives provided."

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